You're welcome. I'm curious as to which communism you do support since they are all pretty bad, unless you are really into privation and always having to watch what you say. If you wanted to find a capitalist family, you could probably find thousands and thousands of images if you searched for "family" "advertisement". I bet none of them are weilding a shovel, mattock, sickle, or any other primitive agrarian tools though.
The family and friendship are anethema to communism. If you don't favor your friends and family over aquaintences and strangers, they are nothing to you. But in favoring them you create inequalities, because you are simply not treating everyone the same. In the USSR the unofficial and technically illegal system of favors that were owed was called "blat", and ultimately it tied into the black market. Of course there were hierarchies even within the party by who your "friends" were. The incredible and hillarious movie "The Death of Stalin" is instructive in that regard.