Yes we are a land full of idiots clueless as to their doom. Tell them economic collapse is imminent, and they'll hunker down and binge watch some Netflix while eating delivered food. Tell them to cower in the house from the pandemic, and they jump in the car and head to the beach. Tell them the very environment of Earth is at risk, and they'll move some shrubs around in their yard. Tell them that the unjust society is about to explode, and they'll wonder where they put their Marvin Gaye CD.
The really disturbing thing about them is that they are happy a lot of the time, enjoying their family, their friends, their work, their stuff, and their interests. Some of them are just really focused on making money or achieving a position or credential. They should be marching around with a crudely lettered sign, but there they are enjoying a pizza and a video game. Why, oh why don't they understand? Why aren't all of these things that involve total strangers in far away places important to them like they are to me? It's another reason for us to despair.