Who has been robbing us blind? I lived in the DC area for a long time including in Capitol Hill. Anyone that just visits the lovely monuments and incredible museums, doesn’t see the money that’s there. Along the Potomac in Virginia and Maryand are frickin’ palaces you can only see when the leaves are down. Four of the ten richest counties in the country are suburbs of DC. From DC to Charlottesville is horse country, with all of the accompanying stately manors. It’s the US Government, and their deep layers of contractors that raking in that dough. Republican or Democrat, they are all working in an industry who can send someone with a gun to your house to take your money and possessions. They can borrow money on your account. They can print it. I don’t have to read a bunch of charts to know that. Anyone who has anything to do with the federal government professionally and retires poor is an idiot.
With that being said, I don’t think my life would have been any better if I’d had more money. To do what with? Buy a better bottle of whiskey? Buy a faster car or a bigger house to pack with more shit? Pay more child support? Be a tourist more often? Develop a cocaine habit?