Where is the part about badges, guns, and handcuffs? If a law isn't enforced it is kind of pointless. If someone owns a Jaguar, a Hellcat, or a Porsche, why wouldn't they drive it at 150 mph on a public road if there was no one enforcing the speed limit? 70% of the autobahn in Germany has only advisory speed limits, and people do drive that fast. Marijuana became legal because the law was basically unenforcable, and there was tax money to be made. I was a scofflaw for fifty years in that respect, and still am.
In my city and most large metropolitan areas around the world, there are parts of town where written law doesn't mean shit. People can openly sell fentanyl and meth, molest kids, steal, and even kill someone, and no one in the community knows anything about it. Law enforcement personnel are on the pay no mind list. It's easy to see what neighborhoods these are because they are generally strewn with trash, because littering is against the law too. On the the other hand there are parts of town that look like a Thomas Kinkade painting. Break the law there where someone can see it and you will soon be face down on the asphalt with the steel on your wrists.