What causes stress? It's other people. Worrying about other people like your family or friends is stressful, or other people constantly putting demands on you in your relationships or work is stressful. We are not dealing with sabre tooth tigers anymore, so other than health issues ALL of our stress is related to other people. Pick the people you are going to deal with throughout your life carefully. Are they going to stress you out or take some of the stress off of you?
By the time George Burns was 50 he had enough money and clout from his hit radio show to tell everyone else to go to hell, and he was only half way through his long life. Gracie Burns didn't make it past 70, possibly because she had to deal with George. Get in a position where you never have to answer to anyone else or worry about them and stress will disappear. Of course if you have children and grandchildren that will be impossible, and if you are truly alone that in itself will become another form of stress because you won't be able to do everything for yourself as your abilities diiminish with age.