What Andy might as well have said was "While they are deciding whether your art is good or bad, have your assistants make more art while you go to a tea party at Gloria Vanderbilt's mansion, and then sign your name to it and pick up the check later." Most artists aren't thinking about becoming an assistant to genius artist, they want to see their own work shown, appreciated, and bought. But if the options are to be a paid flunkie to some other artist or wait tables, most people with artistic ambitions will cut silk screens for someone else. Most of us have to make those kinds of compromises, since we are not geniuses. I doubt that the noble Montaigne ever so much as emptied his own chamber pot or washed a dish, so I can see how he viewed his life as work of art even as the relentless drudgery of all of the servants that catered to his every wish made it that way..