Watching that video of Berlin it hardly looks like collapse is imminent. Nor does it look that way in the city I live in, nor in any of the others I have visited recently. Videos from Haiti, Cuba, Yemen or many African nations look like collapse, but they have been that way for decades and they keep struggling along. Even if the calamities you predict happen, it's not going to happen to everyone, and certainly not to those people in Berlin anytime soon.
Civilizations are not yeast, they have names and dates and emminent people, so let's here about some of them and that overshoot. Did Russia invade Ukraine because of ecological overshoot? Russia stretches over 9 time zones and ranks 181st internationally in population density. They have barely scratched the surface of their resources. They even have 640 billion trees!
I just ran across this article:
Swedish geologists just discovered a deposit of potentially one million tons of rare earth elements. We have no idea how "finite" the system is. Humans are quite capable of replacing one thing with another as well.