Using and even owning a firearm is a very individualistic thing. The collective doesn't pull the trigger, an individual does. It gives the individual a certain power that they don't have otherwise. Shooting sports, gun collecting, and even gunsmithing are sports safely enjoyed by millions of Americans. The top gun safety courses, and they are usually free, are administered by the National Rifle Association. If Alec Baldwin had taken one of those classes before he had handled an operational firearm, he wouldn't have killed that person, but the NRA is too right wing apparently.
I think you need to consider how much everyone has to lose if there was a major cvil disorder, and I mean the basic stuff like electric power, heat, groceries, clear roads, and even internet service. Anyone who intentionally disrupts any of that is going to get hunted like a rabid dog by everyone else, and you can't have a war without messing that stuff up.