Toilets are not “dumb”. Even the most simple flush commode is one of the most ingenious, convenient, and life saving inventions ever created by the human mind. But they are like any other product in that you can have the basic model which simply makes your waste go away, or you scale up to get all of the bell and whistles like a heated seat or spray nozzle if you want to spend the money. Plumbing contractors are standing by to set you down on a golden throne that will make your defecation seem like a tropical vacation if that’s what you want. Thank you free market! Personally, I would settle for an old school, big tank, high flow commode where you don’t need to have a plunger and flush three times to make your poop go into the sewer. Low flow toilets that don’t release enough water to carry the waste are a product of government regulation. If you are one of those folks that wants to see capitalism go away, just keep in mind that fancy toilets will go away with it, right along with fancy toilet paper. You can get used to wiping yourself with corn husks and newspapers anytime you like, or you could just move to Venezuela.