This was an interesting article about an interesting person. Not mentioned is who Mr. Fuller works for, but I would assume it would be the Xanterra Travel Collection company that runs the lodges at Yellowstone, since there is no indication that he works for the NPS, who would have had him retire by now. Of course this is good promotional material for Xanterra, and for the park itself. It certainly made me want to go there.
The article has the usual fear mongering about climate change, and if you look at this article as promotion for the lodge and the park, the implication seems to be that you had better see it as soon as you can make a reservation, before “The Yellowstone of the here and now probably won’t exist as we know it today”. We find out that when Mr. Fuller needs to get away from the park, he travels half way around the World to Namibia, presumably by airliner, and if I wanted to stay at Canyon Village I’d probably use an airliner too. So if a fellow that lives in a wilderness that’s threatened by climate change isn’t worried about his carbon footprint, why should anyone else be?