There was a country in West Asia where women were treated like chattel, child marriages were commonplace, free speech and religious freedom were non-existent, and the government actually blew up huge ancient monuments and destroyed museums. They also harbored terrorists. So after spending almost a trillion dollars, losing over 2,300 service members over twenty years, and killing God knows how many people, we are going to leave Afghanistan and it will almost certainly revert to the medieval barbarism that existed there before. You can write all of the letters to Amnesty you want while the women of the country once again are reduced to the status of farm animals. The Taliban absolutely does not give a shit about your politics, just like ISIS and Boko Haram and the North Koreans. They only respect killing.
Strangely I don't see much in the way of protests begging the USA and its allies to stay in the benighted country and protect the gains that women have made at least. I think that people are just tired of it. The Taliban waited us out, like the mountain tribesmen defied every empire that came their way. What else do they have to do? And that is the problem with politics. Everyone just gets tired of it except for the fanatics.