There are over 23 million naturalized citizens in the USA, and typically there are about 800,000 new ones every year. I have a very nice hard working Congolese family next door and a very nice hard working Mexican family across the street. They don't remember who we are, they're just chasing the American Dream, which is coming true because they are here and not in rural Mexico or Congo.
I was in Las Vegas recently, and visited a Paiute Indian cannabis dispensary the size of a supermarket called Nu Wu, strictly for research. They even had a comfortable tasting room where you could try one of the hundreds of quality cannabis products they were offering. It was cash only, and people were typically buying hundreds of dollars worth of product, so there was armed security. Between places like that and the Indian casinos, the Native Americans alive today were given a leg up by our society, and some took it and others didn't.