"Their ideology of weaponized selfishness is utterly incapable of acknowledging the value of other people."
That's a bunch of hogwash. Each person is allowed to value any or all other persons as much as they wish. Like it or not it works that way now. Libertarians believe that others shouldn't be forced to value other people more or less, and that includes the rich and the beautiful. It's all about self interest, which is what everyone is pursuing whether they want to admit it or not. Selfishness is stupid because if you are selfish who will help you when you need it? If our self interests require other people to fulfill, we have to get them on board by giving them something they want, not forcing them. Libertarians believe that others should work together voluntarily, not because some official stuck their name on a f--king list or oganizational chart. A lot of people on the Left don't seem to realize is that everything they advocate has a cop with a gun lurking in the background to make people do things or not do things. Libertarianism is designed with people as they really are in mind, not as we wished they were.