The World ends for millions of people every day. It will end for me and it will end for you, and it won't be pretty unless you just go to sleep one night and don't wake up. As the years pass you'll watch everyone you know personally and otherwise start to die off. Institutions, arts, sports, businesses, and even products you've loved will become unrecognizable or disappear all together. For most of us it will a steady slide, and then you start falling and forgetting. One part of your body and mind will fail after another, and that's all you're going to want to talk about because that's all that you'll have going on. You'll stop making new memories, and what difference does it make anyway? Eating and drinking will become problematic rather than a pleasure. Sex? Done. Moving around, even up the stairs let alone to Europe, will be a problem. People will have to be hired to take care of your needs, and doctors appointments will become the high points of your month. You may begin to feel like a burden, even though most old people are essentially invisible. Then the hospice. The final agony is that after your world ends and the funeral, everyone who is left is going to go on living without you. Sorry you can't wish them away.