The whole idea that the future is getting worse due to economics or the ecology is kind of funny. The future is getting worse for all of us as we move one day closer to our death. It can't be stopped. I visit a close relative in a deluxe senior community, and it sucks. They worked all of those years to end up like this, near blind, near deaf, and can't remember what happened 2 minutes ago? They're surround by the nameless slow moving ghosts of the other residents. Yes, they are ensconced by a lovely place that is like a modern hotel and are served dinner by young people in livery, but it is all very depressing. I've visited a HUD residence for seniors to Christmas Carol, and it was very much the same thing just not as fancy. Few of the residents showed up to hear the carols.
So the future will get worse for all of as friends and family die, we stop working, we physically and mentally decline, and we gradually become invisible as older people are. Many of us will reach a point where doctor's appointments will be the most important things we do. There is no easy way to age, but spending your time frightened about shit you have no control over whatsoever and strangers thousands of miles away is not going to help. You can improve the future by taking a walk , learning different kinds of flowers, and making a new friend. When they reopen, join that club, or go that church, or volunteer at the food bank. Be grateful for what you have NOW, because it is not going to last no matter what anybody does.