“The US activities in the war were not limited to help the Allies in Europe, but also the conquer of the Pacific ocean, particularly the South Pacific.”
Vivian, please read a history book about World War II. Allied forces in the South Pacific including American servicemen were there to drive out and defeat the Imperial Japanese who wanted to turn the Pacific into a Japanese lake. The Japanese weren’t interested in cultural appropriation, just murder, rape, and turning people who weren’t Japanese into slaves, because they believed (Believe?) that the Japanese are racially and culturally vastly superior to everyone else. Melanesians welcomed and helped American and British Empire troops everywhere they landed since they had a taste of what the Japanese were capable of which was utter savagery, whereas the Allies brought development and medical care. The Japanese tested their samurai swords on the natives, while US GIs gave them Hershey bars. When Japanese troops were pushed into a corner and ran out of food, they turned to cannibalism rather than surrender, and guess who they ate first? That makes an American soldier complaining that the native women didn’t look like Dorothy Lamour amount to nothing. This is like writing about the Blitz on London in 1940 and ignoring the Germans. Really, I can’t believe you don’t know this stuff.