"The term “Black leader” assumes that Black people are not capable of leading themselves and must rely on the guidance of others in order to function."
Absolutely right. Now apply that to every other race. Political leaders in a representative democracy are supposed to be public servants. They are supposed to do what we the citizenry want them to do. Of course there are conflicts, and we have politics because everyone doesn't want the same things. The people chanting "Let's go Brandon!" do not really consider Joe Biden their leader even if he is the same color, and the same was true with Donald Trump.
Celebrities and athletes are strictly into it for the money. Their notoriety is a business proposition first and foremost, because that is how they get people to buy whatever they are selling, be it a sitcom, a book, or a jersey. It's interesting to watch celebrities backpedal and apologize after saying or tweeting something that will hurt their brand. I'm sure they do that after they get a WTF!?!? call from their agent.