John McMahon
May 13, 2022

The Russians would almost certainly be in Kyiv right now if it wasn't for the the thousands of FGM-148 Javelin man portable self guided anti-tank missiles made by Lockheed and training by US Army experts that the Ukranians recieved starting in 2018 when you-know-who was President. This weapon is revolutionizing warfare right before our eyes, and the Ukrainians claim that they were launching 500 hundred of them a day at the begining of the invasion. They cost about a quarter of a million dollars each. Thank you military industrial complex!

When these tanks you speak of roll into my town, I'm not going to settle for a Molotov cocktail, or an M-72 LAW, or a SAGGER, or even a BGM-71 TOW. I want a Javelin or I'm going to sit that conflict out.

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