The percentage of service members or even veterans who have actually killed someone is diminishingly small. It's not everybody's job in the service to fight in combat, although all soldiers and Marines are trained for it. The nature of service in the military is that someone gave up years of their life for the country. They were on call 24 hours a day during that period, and subject to be sent anywhere in the World by our political leadership to possibly get shot at . They agreed to live under the Uniform Code of Military Justice when they swore the oath of enlistment, and were not subject to the Constitutional protections afforded to civilians. If a barista doesn't like their job at Starbucks, they can tell the manager FU and walk out the door. You can't do that in the military. They can and will punish you with confinement for simply being late.
So basically you don't think that service members sacrificed enough to get any special thanks from you, and that is absolutely your right. If an unspoken reason is that you yourself never served and somehow feel like a lesser person than veterans or active duty service members, and you don't like seeing them getting attention denied to you, that's okay too. I thank the uniformed people that wait on me in a restaurant or coffee shop by giving them a cash gratutity if they'll let me, and I'm happy to do that and to thank veterans as well.