The Marxist Leninist JVP is part of a coalition of 27 or so minor parties, trade unions, women's rights groups, and student associations called National People's Power. In the last Presidential and Parliamentary elections they garnered around 3% of the vote, and they hold 3 seats in the 225 seat Parliament of Sri Lanka.
In the 1970s and 1980s, materially assisted by North Korea, the JVP launched 2 failed insurrections that killed tens of thousands of people, many by murder and assassination. They also launched a grenade attack on the floor of the Parliament. As the 2nd insurection was put down by the government, the Tamil Tigers rebellion began in earnest, killing over 100,000 people and introducing suicide bombing to the world. That insurrection was put down with utter savagery by the Sinhalese majority in 2009. If they weren't starving and in the dark too, the surviving Tamils of Sri Lanka would probably be laughing at the present turn of events, with the leaders of the army that defeated them getting their houses burned down by their own people.
Like many wealthy people, assuages his guilt for his good fortune by espousing lefty political ideas and attitudes while being as bougie as they come.