"The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing campaigns were clearly disproportionate to the violence done by the Japanese."
That is bullshit. The Imperial Japanese invaded over 20 countries and territories and their armed forces were utterly inhuman. The low figure for the number of Chinese they they killed is around 4 million and the high figure is ten million. They tested biological warfare on them. They turned millions of people into slaves in the 20th Century in every country they invaded, just like their allies the Nazi Germans. They resorted to cannibalism rather than surrender when supplies ran out. One atomic bomb was not enough to convince them to surrender. They saw a thousand Superfortresses fly over their country every day and didn't think the USA could build another? They were arming children to fight the invasion.
Tell me again how the Nazis didn't deserve to be bombed. The entire Third Reich was at war, and incidentally systematically murdering millions of civilians. The Luftwaffe didn't pull any punches on Great Britain or the USSR.