“(The bad people who like Trump.) are deserving of only one thing: defeat — total, immediate, and lasting.”
That’s quite a macho posture there. It sounds like a demand of “unconditional surrender”, but the nature of that defeat isn’t really gone into. I guess that the author is talking about winning the general election in November which is not quite immediately, and replacing President Trump with Joe Biden or whoever the Democrats run with should they come to their senses. Let’s say that happens and the Republicans lose the White House. The red, white, and blue MAGA knuckleheads out in the sticks aren’t going away, and they’ll still have their guns and their F150s. Their culture and beliefs will be the same, and as far as they will be concerned the defeat will be a temporary setback, rather than “total”. They didn’t give up during eight years of President Obama, and are unlikely to roll over for old Joe. So, big talk.