The author has a fundamental misunderstanding of The Searchers, usually cited as the best Western Movie ever made. Wayne's character Ethan is The Bad Guy in the movie. The protagonist is Martin Pawley played by Jeffrey Hunter, the part indian adopted brother of Debbie, the kidnapped girl. He stays with Ethan because he knows that he will kill her if he finds her. Martin saves Debbie from Ethan, and gets the girl in the end by the way. Scar, the Commanche chief, is just a secondary character, but he is handsome and a total warrior who has Natalie Wood as one of his wives. Ethan scalps him, showing that he is exactly the same kind of man, a savage. The movie shows the results of a senseless US Cavalry raid on an Indian village because it was racist propaganda? Watch it again. The Duke is the villain.
By the way, to act like the Apache and Commanche weren't ruthless raiders (Cliff dwellings, why?) and great warriors is an insult to their memory. They weren't farmers or pastoralists, so what was their lifeway? Yes, any woman of any race kidnapped by either tribe would be in for a very hard time.