The article didn't name one single wealthy person. Even the illustration is of a model. The wealthy are no more some unified class than the middle class or workers or poor people are. I find it hard to believe that wealthy people from the Midwest or Deep South, and they have plenty, share common attitudes with the Coastal wealthy. Also, consider how many of the wealthy are medical doctors, the highest paid profession in the country. There are over 20,000,000 millionaires and almost 800 billionaires in the USA.
I met Warren Buffet's sister Doris when she lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She was a very nice lady. She moved to town and beautifly revovated an 18th Century house. She was very low key, but she built homes for people with mental illness and a public swimming pool for the city which was located near the neediest neighborhoods. It was known that if there was a real need that she would open her pocketbook.
The vast majority of wealthy people are happy to keep a low profile and keep their opinions to themselves like most people. They are mostly concerned about the people they know personally, like any mentally healthy adult. They have more important things to do than trying to influence the attitudes of random strangers.