That was an interesting story, and I enjoyed the song Ground Zero very much. It sounded like Siouxsee and the Banshees. But where is the album? Without an album a band is not going to move forward no matter how good they are. They have to have something that will hook the people in other places that aren't going to their shows in the little clubs. Consider this: "Bam Bam came into being in an era when hundreds of bands and musicians crammed into Seattle’s underground clubs, taverns, bars, and social halls — any venue that had an open corner." It's called the "recording industry" for a reason, and it is extremely competitive. Bands that had an album's worth of material rode the grunge wave when it rolled into the Pacific Northwest. That Bell quit right before they were about to go into the studio looks like self sabotage.
That Tina Bell died alone and drunk in Vegas sounds horrible, but Amy Winehouse who was about as famous as a musician could possibly be died alone and drunk too only the year before. People do make choices, and they aren't always good ones.