Thank you for your considerate response. Yes, the whole idea of “organizing” flies in the face of anarchy. It’s impossible to organize without forming a bureaucracy of some kind, and bureauracy reduces everyone to a number. And again, holding people against their will also flies in the face of anarchy. People surrender in a war because it’s do that or be killed. So within this post revolutionary society you propose, there is an entity that can kill people at will, which makes it different than the state how? Armed revolution is not going to happen because any kind of war is a thousand times worse than the oppression, hierarchies, inequities, ect. that are going on here and now. Look at where the armed rebellion in Syria went. Every combatant in that conflict has turned into a bad guy, and yes the Kurds too because they are playing ball with Assad, and it has created more baddies like ISIS. It’s basically a living in hell for 90% of the people in the country. A war is not a mathematical equation to be solved, as unexpected shit happens every second. Jeez, watch Doctor Zhivago.
Discussing anarchist theory has been going on since the middle of the 19th Century, but in order for most of it too work a lot of people who have no idea what “anarchism” is, and would repudiate it if they did, have to get on board with the program, or lack thereof. The idea that they will be forced to do it is just silly. On the other hand, you can just be an anarchist, and let the other people be whatever they want to be. Freedom, and all that.