So any relationship entered into voluntarily by both parties is in the hierarchy of actualization? It didn’t feel that way in some of the jobs I’ve had, but a man’s gotta eat. In this country that covers pretty much all relationships adults have with the exception of citizens’ relationship with the government, since they can send armed cops to force you to do things.
I think that any kind of cooperative human endeavor where there is no boss is great. I’ve worked in community gardens for years, and in my professional life my attitude has always been “Leave me the f — k alone to do my work.” But I also believe that if I am doing more I should get more, and also have more say in what is going on. I don’t like to tell other people what to do, but I will if I have to. Unfortunately there are a lot of dumbasses who can’t get with the program without a rigid hierarchy, and who need constant monitoring and direction to be productive and not get anyone hurt. Of course it depends on what they are doing since the back of McDonald’s and SEAL Team 6 are very different situations.