“Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook.”
Harry Truman owned a haberdashery, but it failed and so he signed on with the crooked Pendergast political machine in Kansas City. He was the the only politician that attended Pendergast's funeral. His nickname in the Senate was "The Senator from Pendergast".
From the Wikipedia article about Truman: "Bess Truman's personal papers were made public in 2009. They show that Truman likely had a net worth of $7500 when selected as vice presidential candidate. By the end of his presidency, however, he estimated his own wealth at $650,000. In a December 1953 draft will he wrote, "Bonds, land, and cash all come from savings of presidential salary and free expense account. It should keep you and Margaret comfortably." They are talking about early 1950s money here. Truman's second term was riddled by charges of corruption. He also got $670K for his post-presidential autobiography, which was primarily ghost written by a dozen other people.
Nothing is different.