Polaroid, Toys 'R Us, Pan Am, Compaq, American Motors, Woolworths, Eastern Airlines, Commodore, Kodak, and many other major US corporations have failed or are failing in my lifetime, and hundreds you've never heard of failed before that, Corporations are accountable to the general public through the market. That's pretty much a basic tenet of libertarianism. To have any other accountability over them means what? Raiding them with federal marshals and shutting them down? Regulating them with some new government agency? Think of what you're saying Mr. Trotsky.
If you just shopped at Target and stopped using Amazon, they can't do shit to you. Jeff Bezos can't send gunmen to your house to clap you in irons or sieze your stuff, only the government can do that. It all boils down to who can use force on you since everything a libertarian does is voluntary. I've been using Amazon's service since they only sold books, and I haven't got a single complaint about them. I feel like i am getting my money's worth. If you don't like Amazon's services or Apple's products, act like a libertarian and don't buy them, and start your own business.