No one invented capitalism. Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and others tried to explain it, but it was there already. Capitalism is not a “system”, it is the natural way that humans interact with each other economically. Even in countries that tried to eliminate capitalism by adopting a command economy, it still existed in the form of the black market, which was apparently the only way that you could get a pair of shoes that fit in the Soviet Union, which of course isn’t there anymore because command economies don’t work. Look in a prison, and you will find a free market that exists beyond the official way that the lock-up is organized and run, because it is what people do. Collectivist, planned economies could only work if everyone wanted and needed the same things, and if a lot of the people were willing to do more than others, without getting more than others. I don’t know anyone like that, and I also don’t know of a collectivist planned economy that has worked either.