Loners and shut-ins have always been with us. I know folks who really, really don't like being around others. The unmentioned pandemic was a boon to them, and they wished it would never end.
People have to make an effort to find a community that suits them, and build and maintain family relationships and friendships if being with others is what they want. It all requires some work though. This week I'm going to the MLB home opener with three friends I've had for over 50 years. Our team this year is a bunch of no-name pine riders, but it doesn't really matter when we are together, does it? I'm a bicyclist, and I have a lot of friends of all ages who are also cyclists. Don't get us going about components or Strava! Winter is a lonely time on that front though.
Any social media interactions with people we don't know personally is just a cheat by the way. It might as well be with a computer program.