Living in a single wide aluminum trailer with wood heat, a well, septic, and plenty of squirrels and catfish around at the end of a heavily wooded gravel road in Pork Loin, Arkansas doesn't sound so bad now does it?
" Within democracies, people who hold ideas that challenge the economic status quo or big corporations are at risk of being criminalised."
Why? The ideas themselves don't challenge shit. It's just a bunch of palaver that everyone has heard before. You don't like the rich? BFD, they don't like each other either. Organization and money are the only things the plutocrats might worry about, but the vast majority of people have other interests besides economics and politics like art, and sports, and fashion, and music, and sex, and Netflix, and the stock market, and alcohol. Most people have more to lose than to gain by rocking the boat, and activism or whatever you want to call it is an unpaid job unto itself.
And like I said, anyone that causes a blackout or blocks routes of transportation, at least here in the USA, is going to have not only the government but armed citizens hunting their ass down like a dog.
If you wanted to defy the government and capitalism, burned your Costco card, refused to pay taxes, get vaccinated, or turn in a census form, and you live in that trailer, they are going to leave you alone as long as you stay there. The feds have had too many bad experiences of government agents getting holes blown through them by pissed off people to bother. But that's the USA.
Even without the technolgy, in a true resistance situation like in WW II, you couldn't use a land line telephone or the mails unless everything was carefully coded. No one beyond the people who were in the resistance could know what you were doing. If you suspected a comrade was talking to the wrong people they had to be killed immediately, by you. Going up against the Gestapo and their helpers in your country in 1942, or against the NKVD and their helpers was no easier than what it would be like today up against computer nerds. We in the western world are nowhere near the point where people are being grabbed from the street in broad daylight, detained and tortured for information on their friends. So it's not quite as bleak as it was then, is it?