Let's go back to Marie Antoinette for a second. She was forced to marry Louis-Auguste at the age of 14 years old. Her family packed her up in Austria and shipped her off to France to marry some doofus she'd never met in another country with a different language. From that point on she was attended by noble women who were her servants whether she wanted them around her or not. She only became acceptable to the members of the royal court once she started cranking out babies, and then she was still the center of intrigues. People were constantly cooking up lies about her being a whore or a traitor, Once the revolution started she fled for her life with her family, got caught, and spent her final days in prison. Then they cut her head off, for what exactly? Simply for being married to the King.
After the French Revolution nothing actually got better for the common people. There was the Terror which primarily killed commoners, and then there were the Napoleonic Wars that killed millions of commoners. Once Napoleon was exiled for good, another Bourbon relative of Marie Antoinette's sat on the throne, right back where they were.