"It is an inconvenient truth that the only way society has transformed in history is through social breakdown, in the form of revolution."
That is not even remotely true. Society transforms way more through the advances in technology which go on continously, than through political revolutions which end up as a disaster and a setback most of the time. Geez, look what we are doing right now. No social breakdown was required to produce this digital conversation. Capitalism is desirable because it spurs innovation and puts a crazy array of technology into individual people's hands, and humans like that.
Only a hundred years ago most work around the Earth was still being done with human strength and draught animals. If someone in every family still had to clean by hand, fetch water, fetch wood or coal, prepare every meal from scratch, wash clothes, and watch a whole bunch of children because there wasn't any electricity based appliances or indooor plumbing or supermarkets, 95% of the adult women in the world would be doing one of those things right now and for the rest of their life. They wouldn't have a choice. Don't believe me? Look at one of the few places on Earth that are not electrified and tell me what you see. The dudes aren't hauling baby in a sling while they carry the calabash on their heads from the well.