Is there so much medical care available to all that smokers should get a lung transplant, alcoholics a new liver, and that obesity should send more people to the hospital during a deadly pandemic?
By operating on an obese person the surgeon takes on an additional level of risk, and if the patient dies on the operating table no one is going to say "Oh well. They were heavy.", they are calling a lawyer. Getting older arrives before you know it, and even people at a healthy weight start to get mobility issues, but those issues are greatly exasterbated by obesity. The human body didn't evolve to carry that much weight, and it also evolved to move constantly.
One of my children was very heavy, but in college they started to bicycle, play tennis, and dance, and slimmed down. Now they run in half marathons. I have no doubt that their life became infinitely happier because they lost that weight. Kids should be taught to exercise and eat right, but if they are not and it is still a problem in adulthood, it can still be be fixed.