In Yugoslavia, the communist dictator Tito had these bizarre modern art monuments to WW II called Spomeniks built all over the country from the 1960s through the 1980s. There were hundreds and hundreds of them. They reminded the Yugoslavs who had killed who, and of course WW II in Yugoslavia was as much a civil war as part of a global conflict. When Tito died, thus reminded, the Yugoslavs started killing each other again. While Yugoslavia may have been somewhat nicer than other communist states during the Cold War period, they certainly turned out the worst afterwards with that genocide and all. Most of the Spomeniks have been demolished or allowed to fall into neglect.
The Trabant was not a "cult car" when it was built, since the dangerous, unreliable, pollution spewing, plastic piece of shit was all that was available in East Germany. It took 13 years to get one. But thus is socialism.