In visiting some developing nations one will notice stray and feral dogs around. They are flea bitten and dirty, with wounds from fighting other dogs and being hit by rocks thrown by people. They eat garbage, which in developing countries is not plentiful. They have worms and any illness a dog can get. They sleep in the dirt. They don't have names.
On the other hand, there are dogs that are owned by humans, and most lead a life of luxury, even compared to some humans. All of their needs are met, and their comfort and good health is a priority to their owners. They have a tag on their collar that will ensure they are returned home if lost, and a license that establishes that they have vaccinations.
If someone can't control property through ownership, they can't protect it and take care of it, and that works across everything. Oh, the government should be responsible? Look at what happened to the Aral Sea. Have you heard of Cabrini Green? What does government do so well that we should let them take care of everything?