John McMahon
1 min readJun 13, 2020


I’m sure that Jim would have found the brainwashed, lockstep, hivemind, intolerance of many modern “social activists” absolutley disgusting. If he was anything he was a freethinker and they are not, and I’m not aware that he ever attended a political demonstration. The Doors weren’t even at Woodstock. Nowadays he would not survive the scrutiny of #MeToo, and by saying whatever the fuck he wanted to say he would be cancelled. How would people react to the fact that Jim was loaded on drugs and booze a lot? They’d tut tut and talk about his “addictions”, as though that kept him or anyone else from being a genius. I may be an old head, but I find the Doors’ stuff to be just as meaningful now as ever, because the themes aren’t fixed in any particular time. The great artist doesn’t have to be around for their art to speak.



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