I'm not offended in the least by the author's opinion, I just disagree with the notion that this is a uniquely white problem. White people did and do bad things, and so do people of every other race. What I am suggesting is that it is not a "race' issue, it's a bad person issue. What I do find offensive is when the state uses FORCE to suppress speech and writings, or any other media that puts them in a bad light, That is hardly a problem in the USA. I'm not saying it didn't happen in the past, but let's talk about now.
I live in Pittsburgh, and there are Black Lives Matter murals commisioned by the city on public and private property in every part of town. The one along the Allegheny River across from PNC Park is superb. It is 20 foot high skillfully rendered portraits of black Pittsburghers. I choked up when I first saw it. I approve, because it's good art and they make you smile, and talented local artists made some money and got some exposure. That's what's happening now where I live.