I'm a lifetime curb side scavenger and thrift store shopper, and I never considered for a moment that it made me a better person. It's fun to find free or nearly free stuff that I can put to good use, and older stuff, particularly furniture, is much better made. I probably have two pieces of furniture in my flat that weren't found somewhere. It's all heavy, solid, real wood. Spray on some Liquid Gold and it will look like new. I use a pair of Nikon binoculars that I got at a Goodwill for four bucks for concerts, ballgames, and birdwatching. They're amazing. I have siblings that wear nothing but vintage because it's better made than modern clothing. You just have to be smaller. There are many reasons beyond being some kind of anti-something or other to not buy new stuff. I'd rather spend the money I save to go to Vegas.
Virtue signaling is a sickness.