John McMahon
2 min readAug 3, 2023


"If we really want to get serious about healing addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma and violence, we need both policy and psychology to address the problems of collective trauma and societal illness."

There is one psychologist in the US Congress, Democrat Judy Chu representing California's 32nd District. There are also five dentists. The policy devised by our elected leaders needs to be what the people who elected them want, because that is how a republic works. If they are not trying to push policies beneficial to their constituents, they will be elected out of office. See how neat that is?

Most voters that are told by a candate that they need a psychologist, or that psychology will guide the candidate's program, are not going to vote for that candidate since they are perfectly healthy. If they feel that the field of mental health is a racket as do you apparently, why would they want psychology to have any part of their government? The Replication Crisis in science has hit psychology harder than any other field, and does in fact make much of the recent work look like BS.

The book The Globalisation of Addiction is not based on a peer reviewed scientific study, it is just some Canadian college psychology professor's Marxist tinged opinion. Capitalism bad, yet rich people get addicted, and non-capitalist societies have addiction issues as well. See the Soviet Union and vodka, and Ireland and poteen. An addict can wait for society to get its shit together, and that will be a really, really long wait, or they can get their own shit together and stop killing themself and pissing everyone else off.



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