If the artists weren't going along with Ticketmaster's shennanigans, it wouldn't be happening. One band tried that one time to buck them? Laughable. The top drawing tours this last year made a ridulous amount of money for the musical artists that headlined them. The top ten drawing tours so far this year all made over $44 million, and the top tour Bad Bunny made over $120 miilion. High ticket prices turned me away from several shows this past year, looking at you Rage againt the Machine, and only part of that is Ticketmasters fault. If a band can get away with charging 200 bucks for nosebleed seats in a hockey arena, Ticketmast will do everything they can to oblige them. Do the old fellows in Genesis or Sir Elton really need to raise over 70 million dollars on another fake farewell tour? I guess they do.