If someone can't figure out how to order their life to optimize their waking hours to accomplish their goals and get along with other people, they aren't particularly intelligent, or at least a high IQ is utterly wasted on them. Intelligent people who are actually doing important things, the non-lazy ones, don't have a mess on their desk because they are delegating elements of what they are doing to other people, including all of the scutwork. Anyone can do the NYT crossword puzzle, but can you get a whole bunch of people to do a certain thing or think a certain way? Are others scheduling their life around you? Here's something about intelligent people I have met like CEOs, generals, college presidents, politicians (Yes, some are smart.) , or artists. They like to share small talk, and they will remember your name and something about you, even though you hadn't seen them in years and they meet new people constantly. It's like a magic power.