If many tons of US plastic waste had gone into landfills intead of being sent to Asia to be "recycled", they wouldn't have ended up being dumped in the ocean, burned, or randomly buried in the ground. China has cut back on the plastics they will take since the margin for profiting from plastics recycling is so low, so now much plastic recycling is being sent to Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, and what is going to happen to it there? Out of sight, out of mind, right?
The USA and Canada are huge countries with plenty of room to build carefully engineered, scientifically developed, monitored landfills. We build parks on them! Household trash of any kind that goes into a landfill is out of the environment forever, save for the methane which would be released anyway, and can be managed.
The way that you remove more waste from the environment is to make it as EASY as possible for people to dispose of it. Most people do not consider recycling or composting as a sacred duty. They totally disregard it no matter how often they are hectored by environmentalists, or patronized by the media and government. They don't feel the need to virtue signal. Any plan that requires people to behave differently than they do now without offering them tangilbe, immediate incentives to change is doomed to fail.
The quickest, easiest way to keep trash out of the environment is to put it in a huge, plastic lined hole in the ground, bury it when it fills up, and then build a skate board park on top of it.