I wouldn't have known what I would have supported in the 1930s, and neither do you. If you were in Germany back then and you weren't in an undesirable category, you would have most likely been sieg heiling like the rest of the volk. If you were some white agriculture worker in the South, you probably would have been a Stars and Bars loving Democrat like like all the other rednecks. Me too. I love history, but I have no illusions about myself if I had lived in the past. I don't feel the need to display my virtue by making up some story about how I would have boldly done this or that thing that would have at minimum had me ostracized, like you do. I'll rest on the stuff that I have done in my real life. My ancestors had a hard life, your ancestor had a hard life, and Tessa's ancestors had hard lives. Every living thing on Earth has to struggle to survive, and then it dies. Having a pissing contest about whose ancestors were the biggest vicims is ridiculous. They're dead, and the people that oppressed them are dead too. We need to focus on the living.