I worked in a locked behavioral health facility for a while, and while interacting with the patients there I can’t say that I ever met anyone who had been gang stalked. A lot of interesting political, social, religious, and racial theories were propounded, and there were a lot of issues with germs, insects, and spirits, but no one related this particular kind of highly organized world view.
If you know someone is a Targeted Individual, and you take them at their word (And why shouldn’t you?), it would be best to give them a very wide berth. I live a relatively quiet life now, and have close family and friends that I love dearly, and I even like my co-workers. I would never want to bring the heat of secret government agencies or their contractors down on me or them by association with someone they are stalking. We don’t need those kinds of complications.
I’ve been friends with Federal law enforcement officers, and they all seemed like well educated, decent, competent, family and community oriented people anyone would want for a neighbor. I feel glad to have people like that in positions of government authority. It’s easy for me to imagine them staking out a big drug dealer or smuggler, but not a regular person who poses no threat to society whatsoever, because there are in fact a lot of real bad ass scary criminals for them to pursue. Chasing crooks like that is why they became Federal agents, and the Ten Most Wanted never drops to Nine Most Wanted. But I guess you never really know, well at least I don’t know.