I was in New York City recently and it looked absolutely nothing like Soylent Green. which I have seen and enjoyed many times. I don't think that the city has ever been so clean and beautiful, and there is new construction all over. The High Line is amazing, and I had a nice cycling trip on the lovely Governors Island. I visited relatives in Queens, which is very green, very diverse, and quite nice in itself. Broadway shows are rocking again. and the museums are packed. I had some incredible Australian lamb chops, a Vietnamese lobster dish, authentic Italian pastries, a passable shepherd's pie, and a lot of really good coffee and professionally made cocktails with top shelf liquor. There were no food riots, I didn't witness any other civil disturbances, and most folks were quite polite. The vast majority of people were clean, well dressed, and fashionably coiffed. The NYC of Soylent Green is car free, and of course that isn't the case now, and throw in all of those e-scooters and e-bikes as well.
You should visit the Big Apple sometime and quit living in some sick ass fantasy world produced by your television set.