I was glad to see that this story had a happy ending. I was a high school teacher, and I saw many students who peaked as a youngster in sports. Being a standout football player was great while it lasted, with the cheering crowds on Friday night and talking to reporters after every game, but then they went to college and found themselves being a tackling dummy for the first string because at that level they really weren’t that good. Now many of those same men can barely climb a flight of stairs because of the injuries they sustained on the gridiron, but you’ll see them in the bleachers at the stadium cheering on their own kids who are having their moment of glory while getting the crap knocked out of them. Most of those kids will end up with an old jersey hanging in the closet, some blurry game video that no one else wants to see, and bad knees too. At least you got to be in a popular movie that people still want to watch, and presumably can still dance.