I was curious to see if you would mention some actual Marxist countries, and you did mention the USSR and East Germany. As I recall, women did not rush to the defense of the two police states when they were collapsing, rather they celebrated just like the men. Equality means nothing when some comrades are more equal than others, and you have to wait in long lines to get crappy stuff and they don’t. Just saying “equality” over and over and over and over again doesn’t make it so. It’s propaganda. Other Marxist states not mentioned like Khmer Rouge Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea, Derg Ethiopia, Venezuela, or any of the nations behind the Iron Curtain, would not be the kind of place where any woman in her right mind would want to live either. Some places in the PRC and Vietnam might not be too bad for a woman with money, but only if they could leave when they wanted to. Marxism doesn’t work when applied to actual humans because there are too many rules and more punishment than reward. We may conclude that the Marxist analysis is flawed as well.