I think you may be overestimating how many people think AGW is a real big problem. Of course it all depends on how you ask the question. Pew asked Americans how big of a problem people thought climate change was, and 40% said it was a big problem and 25% said that it was a moderately big problem. There were 9 other problems considered bigger in aggregate. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/04/15/americans-views-of-the-problems-facing-the-nation/
Gallup asked what people thought the biggest single problem was, and 4% thought it was the environment/pollution/climate change. The fact that 21% think that the government is the biggest problem means that turning to them to solve anything is problematic in itself.
This poll asks what people would do to mitigate climate change, and it sounds like they would support sacrifices, until you get to that last graph and realize that when you get to specifics most are not interested.
And of course even those answers are mostly bullshit since in my area public transportation use dropped way off during the pandemic and never recovered. 42% of the people in my city are NOT using public transportation, or even close to that number. It's more like 17%. And that 30% of people have stopped eating meat is laughable. If folks are going to make these sacrifices, what are they waiting for?